Thursday, February 25, 2010


Dear Parents of 1E,

Here is a glimpse of our Health Education class, under KEEPING FIT.

As a class, we have discussed ways to keeping fit, for example, playing soccer, playing badminton, swimming and I've also taught them a bit of Tai Chi in class. We practice our Tai Chi moves during P.E as warm up, also when we're getting tired in class ! Besides that, some of the girls got very excited when I said another way to keeping fit was dancing. They started singing the Wondergirls Nobody song, which was performed brilliantly by their seniors on Rainbow Day yesterday.

So as part of their Health Education Lesson.

I present to you 1E's WONDERGIRLS! dancing to NOBODY !

Girls are : Liang Pin, Konthear, Jorgina, Siew Ning, Clarissa and Nova. ( look at how happy they are !)

Liang Pin's demo

All the girls together !

Enjoy ! ( sorry for the poor audio quality and you can hear me speak! Opps!)

Miss Sakinah (:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

CNY celebrations

Dear Parents and 1E,

Here are some of the photos taken from our CNY celebration in school! We practiced the customary Mandarin oranges and well wishes exchange. We also enjoyed the CNY celebration held in our school hall.

Special thanks to the CNY coordinators and also the grandparents and parents who came down to support us. Thank You.

Enjoy the pictures kids ! (:

Happy Chinese New Year to all and see you on Wednesday !

-Miss Sakinah

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday 12 feb

Dear Parents of 1E,

Please be reminded that for Friday, 12th February 2010, there will be no Fitness Friday as they will be in their home clothes. I also strongly encourage everyone to be in their home clothes. Besides that, they are also encouraged to bring 2 oranges as a sign of good luck. These oranges will be exchanged with their classmates. As it is CNY celebration, I feel that there is no need for the pupils to bring a big bag tomorrow. They would only need to bring their oranges, pencil box/case, color pencils, recess things, red English file (to be signed and returned) and waterbottles.
Happy Chinese New Year to all.
Thank you for your kind co-operation.

Miss Sakinah