Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dear Parents,

I will be testing the pupils for Spelling next week, on Monday 11th October. This will be Practice 1.

Please make sure that your child from Primary 1E learn all the 20 words from the Spelling list given to him/her for SA2 2010.

Thank You and regards,
From Mrs Ng.

The children are busy doing their Alternative Assessment for Maths for their SA 2.

Friday, September 3, 2010

September Holiday Homework

Dear parents,
I've given some homework to be done during this September school holidays.
The children have a picture composition to do. The picture plus the blank lines
for writing should be in the transparent file which I had given earlier. A few of
them need also to do their Maths corrections ( Maths Workbook part 2 )

A new spelling list for Term 4 was also given this week. Please remind the kids
to study the ten words dated 13th September 2010 (Monday) During the

Thank-You and Regards
Mrs T. Ng (Pri. 1 E )

Friday, August 20, 2010


Hello to all Singaporeans . We, the pupils from Primary 1E of Endeavour Primary School , wish Singapore a Happy 45th Birthday 2010.
May each and every passing year bring us wisdom, peace and cheer. There will always be smiles and laughter, joy and love.
We are not just a year older, but a year better!
Once again we wish Singapore the happiest birthday which is too special to forget!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rainbow Day Prep

Hello boys and girls,

i know some of you are finding it hard to explain what we're going to wear on wednesday to your parents. so i've found some pictures online to help your parents figure out what you would probably look like. You don't have to buy new dresses or new tshirts for this okay? just wear something that you already have ! :D

for girls, just wear something yellow or white. hair accessories, try to get yellow ! just like the picture below !

for boys: wear a black/white/grey tshirt with jeans. you can put on a biker jacket if you have. just like the picture below!

See you on Rainbow Day!

Miss Sakinah.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rainbow Day

Dear Parents,

There has been some request for a sample video of the children's perfomance. I've found the video on youtube and would be more than happy to share. Their dance steps are not exactly the same but they are now more than ready to show you 3/4 of the songs. ENJOY!

Boys :

Girls :

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spelling List Exchange

Dear parents of 1E

Due to the upcoming Listening Comprehension Examination, I would like to push the spelling, dated 26th April 2010, on Jigaree, to 4th May 2010. In turn, the SA1 Spelling List words would be tested on the 26th April 2010 to better prepare them for the Listening Comprehension on 30th April 2010. Pupils are encouraged to learn all 20 words but I would select 10 to be tested on 30th April 2010.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any enquiries.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused

Miss Sakinah

Friday, April 16, 2010

Rainbow Day 2 ! + CLass Leaders!

Dear Parents of 1E,

Thank you for supporting Rainbow Day 2 by dressing your children up in home clothes. Our turn to perfom will come very soon ! In the meantime, enjoy the photos!

Class Photo + Candids!

Class Leaders for Sem 1, Term 2

Reanne & Yu Lun - Class Monitors

Tim, Yi Qian, Kavan, Ignatius, Max - Group Leaders

Haris, Liang Pin, Jorgina, Yi Ning & Sonia - Worksheet Leaders

Samuel & Konthear - English Helpers

Yee Cher & Charmaine - Math Helpers

Nicole & Nova - Art & Music Helpers

Nicholas & Kai Hin - P.E Helpers

Daniel & Alwis - IT/AVA Monitors

Jonathan & Claudia - Class Commanders

Siew Ning & Clarissa - Health Monitors

Eriyan & Jia Wen - NE Monitors

Jovan & Ain - Green Monitors

MORE ! Class Pictures + Candid Shots !

1E ! :)

Miss Sakinah

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rainbow Day 2 Prep

Dear Parents,

Please take note that for English & Math tomorrow, they would only need to bring:
1) Pencil Case
2) Colour Pencils
3) Math Unit 6 & 7 Worksheets
4) Handbook
5) Recess Things

Thank You !

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Term 2 Song

I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing

I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow-white turtle doves

I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
(That's the song I hear)

I'd like to see the world for once
(Let the world sing today)
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land

That's the song I hear
(That's the song I hear)
Let the world sing today
(Let the whole wide world keep singing)
A song of peace that echoes on
And never goes away

I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow-white turtle doves

Put your hand in my hand
Let's begin today
Put your hand in my hand
Help me find a way

(Repeat Chorus til fade)

Show And Tell + Housekeeping

Dear Parents and pupils of 1E,

We will be having our first Show and Tell session on Monday, 29th March. Show and Tell session will be on every alternate Mondays. The first group to present is green group. The group consists of Clarissa, Ignatius, SiewNing, Eriyan, Konthear and Liang Pin.

Here are some ideas on what you can bring!

1) a photograph of a recent overseas trip
2) favourte soft toy, (something small maybe)
3) favourite book
4) a poster of your favourite movie
and many many more !

however, there are also items that are not allowed, these items are any kind of electronic devices, like handphones, mp3s and handheld games. Some of the pupils have asked me if they could bring their Animal Kaiser cards for Show and Tell, i would limit it to only 3 cards and with the permission of their parents. Please take note.

In other matters, the pupils will receive their smart card/ezlink cards on Monday too. please ensure that you have received it. In addition to that, our school library uses the code on the EzLink card to allow pupils to borrow books. I suggest parents to make a copy of their cards and keep the original at home. this is to avoid the loss of EzLink Cards.

Besides that, in collaboration with Earth Day, our school will be collecting empty toilet rolls. Each class is challenged to collect 60 rolls and if they do they will receive a small token! I'm sure our class will be able to collect more than that! Our Green Monitors will be collecting them on Monday. Let's work together in getting as many rolls as possible !

That's all the updates I have at the moment, see you on Monday !

Miss Sakinah (:

Friday, March 12, 2010


Dear parents of 1E,

As promised, here is a list of the holiday homework

1) English Penmanship Worksheet
2) Math Shapes & Patterns Worksheet
3) Math Workbook 1A Part 2 pg 23-29

and also sign the Math Test 2 paper inside their blue Math File


Miss Sakinah! (:

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Dear Parents of 1E,

Here is a glimpse of our Health Education class, under KEEPING FIT.

As a class, we have discussed ways to keeping fit, for example, playing soccer, playing badminton, swimming and I've also taught them a bit of Tai Chi in class. We practice our Tai Chi moves during P.E as warm up, also when we're getting tired in class ! Besides that, some of the girls got very excited when I said another way to keeping fit was dancing. They started singing the Wondergirls Nobody song, which was performed brilliantly by their seniors on Rainbow Day yesterday.

So as part of their Health Education Lesson.

I present to you 1E's WONDERGIRLS! dancing to NOBODY !

Girls are : Liang Pin, Konthear, Jorgina, Siew Ning, Clarissa and Nova. ( look at how happy they are !)

Liang Pin's demo

All the girls together !

Enjoy ! ( sorry for the poor audio quality and you can hear me speak! Opps!)

Miss Sakinah (:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

CNY celebrations

Dear Parents and 1E,

Here are some of the photos taken from our CNY celebration in school! We practiced the customary Mandarin oranges and well wishes exchange. We also enjoyed the CNY celebration held in our school hall.

Special thanks to the CNY coordinators and also the grandparents and parents who came down to support us. Thank You.

Enjoy the pictures kids ! (:

Happy Chinese New Year to all and see you on Wednesday !

-Miss Sakinah

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday 12 feb

Dear Parents of 1E,

Please be reminded that for Friday, 12th February 2010, there will be no Fitness Friday as they will be in their home clothes. I also strongly encourage everyone to be in their home clothes. Besides that, they are also encouraged to bring 2 oranges as a sign of good luck. These oranges will be exchanged with their classmates. As it is CNY celebration, I feel that there is no need for the pupils to bring a big bag tomorrow. They would only need to bring their oranges, pencil box/case, color pencils, recess things, red English file (to be signed and returned) and waterbottles.
Happy Chinese New Year to all.
Thank you for your kind co-operation.

Miss Sakinah

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Primary 1 pupils adjusting to primary school life

Dear Parents of 1E

Our school counsellor, Miss Rachel Sng, came across an interesting article on schoolbag.sg. Do check it out as it may help in handling your child. (:


or if you have any problems accessing the page, you can get it through

Thank You

Friday, January 15, 2010


Dear Parents of 1E,

Please take note that there will be an individual phototaking session in school, therefore the children will have to be in their school uniform on Monday 18th January 2010. As P.E session will be cancelled on Monday, I would like to make a switch with Friday (22nd January 2010)'s Math period ,0815-0915. So Friday, since they are already in their P.E attire due to Fitness Friday, after Fitness Friday, we will proceed to have P.E instead of Math. On the other hand, on Monday (18th Jan 2010)'s P.E session will be swapped with Math.

Besides that, I would like to inform you that I've been noticing some of the pupils still carrying semester 2 books in their bag. Here is a list of basically what they would have to carry everyday.

- Pencil case
- A set of colour pencils
- glue & scissors
- Student Handbook
- Homework file
- A storybook ( for silent reading)
- Math Textbook 1A
- Chinese/Malay textbook.

For certain days such as Monday and Thursday, they would have to bring their music book and art materials respectively. Please ensure that the child packs his/her bag according to the timetable given. :)

Please also take note that spelling will be on Mondays and mental sums on Thursdays. I would need them to prepare a single lined exercise book for mental sums. In addition, I would like to request them to bring along another exercise book for Word Bank, this book will basically be their Grammar and Vocab practice book.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your kind co-operation.

Best Regards
Miss Sakinah

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Class Leaders

Hello Parents of 1E!

As part of our Character Development Programme, a category on Leadership is introduced and is called, Every Child a Leader. This programme ensures that every pupil in EDP is given a chance to be a leader, be it a Class Monitor or a Group Leader. These roles are important to us and to our pupils. So, without further ado, let me introduce Primary 1E's leaders for Term 1 !

Our Class Monit0rs, Yi Qian and Haris

Our Group Leaders, Charmaine (Mars/Red), Nicole (Saturn/Yellow), Alwis (Neptune/Blue), Kai Hin ( Jupiter/Brown) and last but not least, Siew Ning ( Earth/Green)

Our Worksheet Leaders, Yee Cher ( Earth/Green), Claudia (Jupiter/Brown), Konthear (Mars/Red), Yu Lun ( Saturn/Yellow) and Jovan ( Neptune/Blue)

Our IT/AVA Moniters, these boys will be undergoing some IT training soon! They are, Ignatius and Max!

Our P.E Monitors! Tim & Reanne!

Our Class Commanders, these boys will be the ones to shout "CLASS STAND!" when a teacher enters! (: Eriyan & Samuel

Our Math Helpers : Daniel & Kavan

Our English Helpers : Nova & Jonathan

Our Art Helpers : Ain & Nicholas

Health Monitors : Jorgina & Sonia

National Education (NE)/Social Studies Monitors! Clarissa & Liang Pin

Last but not least, our Green Monitors, Yi Ning and Jia Wen.

Hope you enjoy looking through your photos !

- Miss Sakinah